- Total 0 :-
You can also find our products here*:
MPE International AB
Warehouse in Gävle:
Utmarksvägen 23
802 91 Gävle
Phone: 08-52299440
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri 07.00-16.00
DHL Freight Finland Oy
Warehouse in Finland:
Katriinantie 14 – 16 ovi/door F-89
FI-01530 Vantaa
Phone: +358 (0) 20-533 5493
More info!
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri 9-16
Order via MPE
order@mpei.eu I +46 (0)8-522 994 40
Graweco Logistik GmbH
Warehouse in Germany:
Billwerder Ring 12
210 35 Hamburg
Contact: Thomas Grammersdorf
Phone: +49 (40) 734 645 60
Order via MPE
order@mpei.eu I +46 (0)8-52299440
Servi Teknik AB
Metodvägen 9
435 33 Mölnlycke
Phone: +46(0)31-27 32 00
Opening hours:
07:30 - 16:30
Closed for lunch 11:45 - 12:45
Big Easy Älvsjö
Warehouse in Stockholm:
Big Easy
Varuvägen 15
125 30 Älvsjö
Staffed opening hours:
Weekdays 10:00 - 17:00 (Lunch 12:30 - 13:00)
Saturday 11:00 - 14:00
Sundays and public holidays: Closed
Order has to be called in to MPE before pick-up:
order@mpei.se I +46 (0)8-52299440
D.A.F. Spedition Norge AS
Warehouse in Norway:
Gamleveien 1
1473 Lørenskog
Order via MPE
order@mpei.eu I +46 (0)8-52299440
MX Transport AB
Warehouse in Malmö:
Stenyxegatan 29
213 76 Malmö
Opening hours:
Monday-Friday 7-17
Order has to be called in to MPE before pick-up:
order@mpei.se I +46 (0)8-52299440
*Our pick-up warehouses have a limited supply, adapted to the demand of our customers.