
The Importance of Maintaining Facades and Roofs

Slow decay: Residents' concern over lack of maintenance at Lexe Blomstergård


In a article on, it is revealed that residents of Lexe Blomstergård are concerned about the lack of maintenance of the properties, resulting in a range of issues such as mold growth, moisture damage, and roof problems. Many of the residents express genuine fear that the properties may become so deteriorated that they will eventually need to be demolished if no action is taken. Although some measures have been taken, such as mold investigations and kitchen renovations, the problems persist, and several residents experience poor communication and inadequate efforts from the responsible foundation.

The discussion about replacing roofs and improving maintenance is ongoing, but there is still a sense of unease among residents regarding their living conditions and the future of Lexe Blomstergård. The importance of regular maintenance of facades and roofs is also emphasized, including regular washing to prevent the accumulation of algae, moss, and other pollutants that can lead to deterioration of the property over time.

Read the full article here:


  • Which cleaning agent should you use? 
  • How often should you wash? 
  • Why should you protect the surface after cleaning? 
  • How often should you apply new graffiti protection? 
  • Risks of not removing graffiti?

Learn more about roof and facade cleaning and get our best tips in this PDF:

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