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Graffiti Removal trains
Tips and products for interior and exterior graffiti removal off trains
When graffiti is to be cleaned off trains, we are mainly talking about two different areas – graffiti on the outside or the inside. The choice of method and graffiti remover obvious- ly differs between different areas. On the outside, larger surfaces are often the case and graffiti can be washed down with high pressure, while on the inside it is more about tags and cleaning by hand. So to make the work easier, here’s our best tips and products for each area!
The inside has significantly more different surfaces that can be exposed to graffiti, eve- rything from fabric to plastic details. Here it’s important to use the right graffiti remover and method.
Method: Apply the graffiti remover with a cloth, brush or spray nozzle. Work the graffiti with a cleaning sponge, brush or cloth. When everything is dissolved, wipe all the graffiti and product with a cloth, wipe from the edges towards the center of the graffiti. Rinse with water and wipe clean with a clean cloth.
Glass & lacquered metal:
OFF Graffiti Remover Eco
OFF Graffiti Remover 1
OFF Graffiti Wipes
OFF Graffiti Wipes
OFF Graffiti Remover 1
OFF Poseidon Power and OFF Tyr Tunn (for more difficult graffiti or shadows)
Sensitive surfaces:
OFF Graffiti Remover Eco
OFF Graffiti Remover 4
OFF Soft Graffiti Wipes
Since this is usually about larger paintings that cover a large surface, you work in a slightly different way and with other graffiti removers. This sometimes requires products that are thick, in order to have a longer contact time and to make it easier to cover large surfaces.
Method: Apply the graffiti remover with a brush, then process until all graffiti is dissolved. Wash from the bottom up with adapted pressure (50-200 bar) and temperature (70-90°). Rinse from top to bottom with water. If graffiti cleanup is not possible and graffiti needs to be quickly covered, there is pigmented graffiti protection for overpainting. This is washed away with hot water and high pressure, then the graffiti is washed as above.
Graffiti removal:
OFF Graffiti Remover Eco Gel
OFF Iris
OFF Hugin
OFF Uranus
Tips from Magnus:
Do not leave the product on the bellows, moldings and rubber products for too long.